My First Choco Cupcakes

I backed my first chocolate cupcakes.they were really nice.and tasted good.Its was very good in milk and butter.. delivered it on time.client was really satisfied about those cupcakes :)

My Favorite Sprinkles

First Cupcake Delivery!!

First delivery..hmmm.. I had a big fight with the time :| and I was little late. 5 birthday love cupcakes and 5 butter icing with different flavors

Good feedback on my First cake

Made my first ever cake :)

I had a really bad feeling about it..i really thought that i will not be success.. because i never made a cake before and it was raining badly.My icing decors started to melt.but finely finished it like was looking good...isn't it...??? everyone was really satisfied about it.. :)

Little Busy :)

I got my first Business from one of my friends.10 cupcakes..It isn't a very big deal but it is a big thing to me as my first sale :). and i gotta make a birthday cake for a cousin of my hubby's. tomorrow night will be the function.and i have lots of things to do..tomorrow will be a great day...i'm so exited :D hope to write tomorrow again.. and i'm gonna post more photos for my precious fans :)

Hello Kitty Cupcake

I named it "HI KITTY" :D

It was really hubby loved it.. :)

Halloween Cupcake

Creepy Spider On the Cupcake.It was a quick idea but it was really beautiful..I really satisfied about it...

I love this design..

The Beginning!

Hello People... I'm Sam Perera.a week ago i got a idea for make cakes..for the first time :) I always love to design things. because i'm a pretty good graphic and flash may know "YnM Creations".. 

I decided to make cupcakes first and i made these cupcakes with fondant decors.actually fondant is my favorite icing. :)

Here are my first cupcake designs

Lady Bug

Sweet Love 

Octo and the Starfish

Bee In The Garden

after made these cupcakes , i got very good feedback from everyone..and many people offered me to sell cupcakes. after that my loving husband gave the name to my little business."SPRINKLETS" isn't it very sweet??? :) i'm loving it!!!!